
ESP32, wifi, ble, 32 IO pins and modes

  • lhatch

    lhatch - 2018-08-21

    I have not looked at the asm for ESP32, but it is quite the chip. I now the Arduino IDE has a model for it, Anyone thought about porting GCB to if it is microchip or AVR like inside? I do not like C, but have been using it with the ArduinoIDE just to play with the chip. Cheap, lots of i/o, wifi, blue tooth...

  • Peter

    Peter - 2018-08-21

    I'm playing with ESP32s at the moment. I've found the arduino ide quite easy to pick up (although GCB@Syn is nicer in some ways.
    I think the Arduino IDE is a wrapper to the ESP toolchain, the libraries let you access functions within the ESP IDF.

    I certainly think it would be possible to program with GCB but it would be a huge job.

    If you have an AT firmware installed on the ESP, you can always communicate with it over serial from a PIC. There is an example on the forum somewhere that I wrote for the ESP8266.


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