
RE: [gcbasic:discussion] xpress board

joe rocci
  • joe rocci

    joe rocci - 2017-11-25

    My opinion (and you know what they say about opinions) is that newcomers to GCB should be encouraged to begin with a UNO or NANO board, simply because it's a pretty inexpensive & foolproof plug 'n play way to instant gratification. Load the GCB IDE, plug in the UNO, load the Hello program  and Voila! (for our French friends), "Bob's your uncle' (for our British friends). 
    Just my American 2 cents.

    -------- Original message --------
    From: stan cartwright
    Date: 11/25/2017 1:35 PM (GMT-05:00)
    To: "[gcbasic:discussion]"
    Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] xpress board

    Unless you want the extra hassle then a uno is easier for a newcomer to gcb that wants to program a 8 bit ucontroller. xpress board is not for a beginner. I think the first time gcb user would expect it to be just like an arduino but it's not.

    It's got complicated before first hello world program.

    Sorry guys, I would not recomend for newcomer to gcb though £12 is a small pizza.

    Does my 16MHz uno or 18f25k22 at 64MHz run code faster or slower than xpress 16f18855,32 ?

    SAM_1851.JPG (3.9 MB; image/jpeg)

    xpress board

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  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2017-11-25

    True Joe. share that so easy experience.
    xpress is not for erste zeit user. The programable pins will be unfamiliar for many people and not expected learning curve addition.
    Who cares what I think either :)


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