
Measuring and displaying Coolant Flow Rate

  • Keith

    Keith - 2023-04-17

    On the closing throws of my project I need to measure and display the coolant flow rate using a Hall Effect flow Meter. This clever little piece of kit has a set of vanes floating in the path of the liquid to be measured. A square waveform is generated and presented on a single wire output.

    What I need to do is very similar to a Tachometer instead of displaying RPM I want to see the flow rate in Litres/Second -very roughly.

    I have looked in the demos and searched for a simple tacho in the help files for some ideas of what to do.

    Have tried this but it stalls the loop

     #define Flow PORTC.3
     Dim FlowPulse as WORD
    Pulsein Flow, FlowPulse, ms
     Locate 1,15
          Print FlowPulse

    Any ideas as to the errors of my misguided ways.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2023-04-18

    Should work.

    Others please comment.

  • Keith

    Keith - 2023-04-18

    Well all sorted. That Pulsein issue is now resolved. Still don't understand what it was that was causing the loop to stall and lock up.
    The entire program is attached so if anyone feels mad enough to copy it , modify it or use it then please feel free to do so. (it's nearly all Evan's Work anyway !)

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2023-04-19

      Great job! And, thanks for the recoginition.

      Where is the encoder.h file?

  • Keith

    Keith - 2023-04-19

    Oh, I forgot about that. It is another Lad's work I found on here. I'll post it tonight along a credit to him.

    A PCB will be available (at cost) in a couple of weeks if anyone is interested.

    The author of the encoder.h is called Thomas Henry --- 6/7/2014 of whom I offer my grateful thanks for an excellent piece of work.

    His post is called :
    'Incremental Rotary Encoder Include File' and the .h file is attached below.


    Last edit: Keith 2023-04-19
  • Keith

    Keith - 2023-04-19

    Next project starts next week. This one is huge and extremely ambitious 12 inputs 14 outputs on a PIC18F57Q43 TQFP-48 and a font for a larger GLCD Display.

    Beware and forewarned I will be needing tons of help, a lot of areas I have not explored in the GCB arena .


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