

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2023-01-10

    Anyone else tried ChatGPT ?


    My experience so far.

    My first visit. ChatGPT knew nothing about Great Cow BASIC.
    Next visit a few days later. ChatGPT knew a lot about Great Cow BASIC. It described Great Cow BASIC very well. The description was the best description I have read :-)
    Yesterday - I asked ChatGPT to generate/write some Arduino code. It did it perfectly. The servos code operated at expected - I just pasted the code into the IDE and programmed.
    Today - I have will see if ChatGPT can write GCBasic code.... I will have to wait as the servers are overloaded.

    Are the days of writing code over?

    • William Roth

      William Roth - 2023-01-10

      Are the days of writing code over?

      Only for the lazy...


      Last edit: William Roth 2023-01-10
      • stan cartwright

        stan cartwright - 2023-01-12

        What's Evan on about now ???

        • Anobium

          Anobium - 2023-01-12

          Get with the news Stan.

          ChatGPT is sort of very interesting. Microsoft are about to investment a lot of money ( reported to be USD 10 bln! ) in the technology. The use cases are stunning.

          Have a look in the news.

      • stan cartwright

        stan cartwright - 2023-01-12

        Yes, we use libraries not written by our selves and use other peoples demo code :)
        All you need is a few lines of your code to make it your program.


        Last edit: stan cartwright 2023-01-12
    • stan cartwright

      stan cartwright - 2023-01-12

      tried the link and no idea
      ... and overloaded


      Last edit: stan cartwright 2023-01-12
      • Anobium

        Anobium - 2023-01-12

        Stan - maybe only Gen-X understand it.

        • stan cartwright

          stan cartwright - 2023-01-12

          like you?

          • Anobium

            Anobium - 2023-01-12

            Boomer babe!

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2023-01-11

    Another day. ChatGPT now can generate valid GCBASIC.

    And, it compiles.

    My question was "How do program an LED to flash every 1 sec in GCBASIC ?"

    #Chip 16F84A, 4
    ' Configure the I/O pin connected to the LED as an output
    DIR PORTB.0 Out
        ' Turn on the LED
        PORTB.0 = 1
        ' Wait for one second
        WAIT 1 sec
        ' Turn off the LED
        PORTB.0 = 0
        ' Wait for one second
        WAIT 1 sec

    My screen.


    Last edit: Anobium 2023-01-11
  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2023-01-11

    And, then!

    I asked "So, let us try again. Help me with programming an LCD in GCBASIC"

    Sure, I'd be happy to help you with programming an LCD in GCBASIC. Here is an example of a basic program that will write "Hello, World!" to an LCD connected to a PIC16F886 microcontroller:

    'Program to write "Hello, World!" on an LCD
    #CHIP 16F886, 4
    ;Define Hardware settings
    #define LCD_RS PORTB.0
    #define LCD_ENABLE PORTB.1
    #define LCD_DB4 PORTC.3
    #define LCD_DB5 PORTC.2
    #define LCD_DB6 PORTC.1
    #define LCD_DB7 PORTC.0
        'Clear the LCD
        'Write "Hello, World!" to the LCD
        PRINT "Hello, World!"

    This program starts by defining the microcontroller type and frequency #CHIP 16F886,4 and LCD hardware settings using #define statements for the individual pins for the RS, Enable, and data lines of the LCD.

    In the main function the code first clear the LCD using the CLS command and finally write the "Hello, World!" string to the LCD using PRINT "Hello, World!" command.

    You can use the LOCATE command to set the cursor position before printing text. For example, you can use LOCATE x,y command to set the cursor at the x-th row and y-th column on the LCD.

    There are many other commands that you can use to control the LCD such as PRINT for writing text, LEFT$, RIGHT, and CENTERfor text alignment, andCLS` to clear the screen. You can find more information on the Great Cow BASIC website documentation or by looking in the Help files in GCBASIC IDE itself.
    Let me know if this help and if you have any other question or issue

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2023-01-12

    Chat GPT from github. Not a clue. Yet you promote github.
    Wonder if it works for mmbasic on picomite?

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2023-01-12

      Me neither. I am just using the UI. ChatGPT could be a game changer. Time will tell.

      • stan cartwright

        stan cartwright - 2023-01-12

        they will notify me email when I can use it.
        What's the catch? cynical stan

        • Anobium

          Anobium - 2023-01-12

          I got that message. I also never got an email.

          • stan cartwright

            stan cartwright - 2023-01-12

            time will tell. convert c arduino to gcb? convert lead into gold with a pic?

  • William Roth

    William Roth - 2023-01-13

    Interesting what AI can do.

    Why not just have it write the hex and be done with it?

    No need for GCB or any other high level languages to exist except possibly to train the AI.

    I see AI as a very slippery slope and a possible existential threat ... Not a big fan.


    Last edit: William Roth 2023-01-13
    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2023-01-14

      Interesting idea. So, describe the outcome required rather than the method. Now that is interesting.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2023-01-14

    I met someone I've known for ages but didn't see much of and he reckoned that wearing facemasks was for testing AI facial recognition ... er... what could I say?
    ... and omicron was an anagram of moronic :)


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