
Bug in GCGB?

  • Chuck Hellebuyck

    When this runs it sets PORTB to 00000111 (7) instead of 00001111 (15) yet when I use decimal numbers it works.

    ;Chip Settings
    #chip 16F887,4

    PORTB = 0b00001111
    Goto Start

  • Hugh Considine

    Hugh Considine - 2010-07-04

    There was a bug in the compiler, which I've now dealt with.

    If you'd just like to fix that bug, please download and extract it into your GCGB install folder. Alternatively, there is a new version of GCGB online, which you can get from That will fix that bug and a few others, but is a slightly bigger download.

  • Chuck Hellebuyck

    The file information says its version 0.9 which is the same one previously released.
    Is this really a new version?

  • Hugh Considine

    Hugh Considine - 2010-07-09

    I'm pretty sure it's the new version, I neglected to change the number on the installer but the contents of it should be new. Try installing it and then check the date on any of the .exe files.


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