
need more instructions/ tutorials

  • James E Sturdivant

    There is not a lot of info on how to use GCGB  around. Is there going to be a forum for questions and such and some tutorials?

  • Chuck Hellebuyck

    I just discovered GCGB and have experimented with it using the CHIPAXE modules from which use a PICkit2 clone programmer.
    I find GCGB to be an excellent compiler and a great resource for those just getting started with programming PICs.
    But as you mentioned, the documentation is lacking.
    I have a strong background with PICs so I just need to learn how to use GCGB and all its features.
    As I learn I'm taking notes and at the same time creating an entry level book written for GCGB using the CHIPAXE system as the hardware. This will take some time so be patient if you are interested in this.
    I've written books on other compilers so this will add to my collection.
    You can see my previous work at my website

    If you have ideas for the book, post them here. It will help me understand what the GCGB users and future users are looking for.


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