
7 segment trouble

  • YT2095

    YT2095 - 2012-05-05

    Hi again ;)
    I`m not sure it`s a problem so much as something not quite right (probably on my part), but I`m trying the 7 segment function out using a 4x common cathode display, and all works well when using 2 digits, in fact the example code that counts to 99 works perfectly.
    so i`m trying to expand this to 3 or more digits and this is where I`m hitting a brick wall.
    my code is:
    ;Chip Settings
    #chip 16F877A,20
    #config BODEN=OFF, WDT=OFF, OSC=HS

    ;Defines (Constants)
    #define DISP_SEG_A PORTd.0
    #define DISP_SEG_B PORTd.1
    #define DISP_SEG_C PORTd.2
    #define DISP_SEG_D PORTd.3
    #define DISP_SEG_E PORTd.4
    #define DISP_SEG_F PORTd.5
    #define DISP_SEG_G PORTd.6
    #define DISP_SEL_1 PORTb.0
    #define DISP_SEL_2 PORTb.1
    #define DISP_SEL_3 PORTb.2

    Do Forever
    Num1 = 1
    Num2 = 2
    Num3 = 3

    'Shows the digits
    Repeat 250
    DisplayValue 1, num1
    Wait 1 ms
    DisplayValue 2, num2
    Wait 1 ms
    DisplayValue 3, num3
    Wait 1 ms
    End Repeat

    this should display 123,  but instead i get something that looks like "a3a".
    I was hoping to use all 4 segments to display the AN0 as 0 to 1024 and other things.
    can anyone tell me where I`v gone wrong please.


  • YT2095

    YT2095 - 2012-05-08

    on the off chance that it IS coded just for 2 digits, I`v writen a simple work-around, that will let you use 4x7 seg displays, and More!
    this is based on Common Cathode types that are multiplexed, the cathodes are fed with port B and the digit segments with port D.
    if you`re using an 877a like me, then you can "cheat" and use port E and get that to count in Binary for each stage and feed a 74138 to drive 8x 7 segments in only 3 bits, and lets be honest, port E is pretty useless for most stuff anyway ;)
    here`s the code, it will output the number "2095" on your display:

    ;Chip Settings
    #chip 16F877A,20
    #config BODEN=OFF, WDT=OFF, OSC=HS

    ;Data tables
    Table display
    End Table

    dir portd out
    dir portb out
    Do Forever
    portb = 254
    readtable display,num1,temp
    portd = temp
    wait 5 ms
    portb = 253
    readtable display,num2,temp
    portd = temp
    wait 5 ms
    portb = 251
    readtable display,num3,temp
    portd = temp
    wait 5 ms
    portb = 247
    readtable display,num4,temp
    portd = temp
    wait 5 ms

    the 5 MS delay doesn`t really need to be there, it`s left over from debugging when it`s value was 500MS (lets me see what`s happening).
    the Num values can be whatever you like, and if you parse with /1000 /100 /10 etc… to separate the digits, then you could use a 10 bit Analogue value to display if you wanted :)

    Have fun :)


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