
PIC16F1828 Internal Ref

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  • Daniel Cioba

    Daniel Cioba - 2017-07-08

    Hi , how can i change internal reference between 1V , 2V , 4V when using ADC ?

    CLOSURE NOTE: The methods and scripts in this posting have been replaced by public methods in V0.98.00 or later.

    FVR_Initialize and ADFVR_IsOutputReady are not supported as these have been replaced by FVRInitialize() and FVRIsOutputReady


    Last edit: Anobium 2017-10-02
  • kent_twt4

    kent_twt4 - 2017-07-08

    Here some code that might help you. It limits the a-d outputs to AN0 to AN3 and the FVR. It could be expanded if need be. FVR should not be lower than 2.048V when used as an adc reference.

    #define AN0 0
    #define AN1 1
    #define AN2 2
    #define AN3 3
    #define FVR b'00011111'     'define FVR buffer1 output for adc
      FixedVoltRef = AD12F1822(FVR)
    goto Main
    Function AD12F1822(adport)
    'ADCON1 = b'01100000'   'Left justified, FOSC/64, Vref+ to FVR
    ADCON1 = b'01100000'
    If adport = FVR Then
      'ADCON1 = ADCON1 OR b'01100011'
      FVRCON = b'10000010'    'turn on fixed voltage ref of 2.048V
      btfss FVRCON,FVRRDY
      goto FVRNotstable
    End if
    ANSELA = adport + 1       'turn off digital input ANSA2
    If adport > 3 Then ANSELA = 0 'internal FVR or Temp Indicator conversion
    rotate adport left simple
    rotate adport left simple
    'bin2ascii adport
    'HSERSend " "
    ADCON0 = ADCON0 OR adport   'adport
    'bin2ascii adport
    'HSERSend " "
    wait 10 us        'use nop's or ??? so no us delay sub????
    'wait 1 ms        'need 200us min for temp module
    'ADGO = 1
    GO_DONE = 1
    goto ADCPOLL
    FVRCON = 0
    ADCON0 = 0
    ANSELA = 0        'Shut down adc module
    AD12F1822 = ADRESH    'read out the result
    FVRCON = b'00000010'    'turn off fixed voltage ref of 2.048V
    End Function
  • Daniel Cioba

    Daniel Cioba - 2017-07-09

    Thx , I asked because I thought it was possible somehow to change it simple and still using GC instructions readad10 , etc . Probably not implemented yet .

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2017-07-09

    Let me check. I have a memory on that we have been through this before.

  • kent_twt4

    kent_twt4 - 2017-07-09

    Not sure if FVR made it to the library or not. If help is needed to keep things moving, and change the above function to 10bit, let me know.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2017-07-09

    Look extremly simple to implement in the latest library. I can add in about an hour or so.


  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2017-07-09

    Here is the latest ADC library. It is from the upcoming release.

    This version has a version of FVR included. The use ADC as you do normally but you should check the latest help so see all the updated ADC functionality. Remember you can really optimise the library and you can optimise the library with just a few #defines.

    The FVR functionality is exposed as:

    ADFVR_Initialize ( ADFVR_OFF | ADFVR_1x | ADFVR_2x| ADFVR_3x )
    ADFVR_IsOutputReady 'returns true or false

    Where ADFVR_OFF, ADFVR_1x, ADFVR_2x and ADFVR_4x are defined constants to turn off, v1.024, v2.048 or v4.096 respectively.

    Let us know if this works.

  • Daniel Cioba

    Daniel Cioba - 2017-07-09

    THX for the update , i read the help but i cant find so far how to use the updated functionality .
    Just to add in program #define ADFVR_Initialize ( ADFVR_2x ) if i want 2,048V Ref ?


    Last edit: Daniel Cioba 2017-07-09
  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2017-07-09

    Of course, a good question.

    These are two methods not Defines.

    The first is a sub routine called ADFVR_Initialize. You can pass one parameter.
    ADFVR_Initialize ()

    The one paramter is one of the following
    ADFVR_OFF, ADFVR_1x, ADFVR_2x or ADFVR_4x ( which relate to OFF, 1.024v, 2.048v or 4.096v)

    The second method is a function. No parameter but the function returns true or false.
    ADFVR_IsOutputReady ' returns true or false

    Typical Usage

    To set to 1.024v

    `ADFVR_Initialize (ADFVR_1x)`

    To set to 2.048v

    `ADFVR_Initialize (ADFVR_2x)`

    To test if the FVR is ready.

    wait while ADFVR_IsOutputReady = false

    To install. Make a backup of your existing library in you lowlevel folder and replace with the new library.

    Let us know how you get on.

  • Daniel Cioba

    Daniel Cioba - 2017-07-09

    So far the result is exactly the same as with the old library . ADC of course is working , but Vref is "stuck" at 4,096V.
    Even with , ADFVR_Initialize (ADFVR_OFF) the readings are the same .
    I didn't use the FVR test yet , so i don't know if that is working .

    The hardware is simple , I use the PIC and an LCD display to measure a DC voltage . The program is displaying the ADC value read ( 0 - 1023 ) , so i can easily see if the value is changing.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2017-07-10

    Another, final go hopefully. I failed to setup the ADC for you.

    My test code - works on test here, hopefully, now works for you.

    #chip 16f18855, 32
        #startup InitPPS, 85
        Sub InitPPS
                'Module: EUSART
                RC0PPS = 0x0010    'TX > RC0
                TXPPS = 0x0008    'RC0 > TX (bi-directional)
        End Sub
        #define USART_BAUD_RATE 19200
        #define USART_TX_BLOCKING
    ' ADFVR_Initialize ( ADFVR_OFF | ADFVR_1x | ADFVR_2x| ADFVR_4x )
    ' ADFVR_IsOutputReady returns true or false
        ADFVR_Initialize ( ADFVR_1x )
        wait while ADFVR_IsOutputReady = false
        #define LEDD2 PORTA.0
        #define LEDD3 PORTA.1
        #define LEDD4 PORTA.2
        #define LEDD5 PORTA.3
        #define Potentiometer   PORTA.4
        Dir     LEDD2 OUT
        Dir     LEDD3 OUT
        Dir     LEDD4 OUT
        Dir     LEDD5 OUT
        DIR   Potentiometer In
        HSerPrintCRLF 2
        dim adcval as word
            Wait 100 ms
            adcval =  ReadAD10 ( AN4 )
            porta = adcval / 64
            HSerPrint adcval

    Please get the latest library again from


  • kent_twt4

    kent_twt4 - 2017-07-10

    The FVR could be setup properly, but it doesn't look like it is #defined as an a-d input in the new library, much like AN0, AN1, etc. (per above 12f1822 example)

    #define FVR b'00011111'     'define FVR buffer1 output for adc
    FixedVoltRef = AD12F1822(FVR)
    FixedVoltRef = ReadAD (FVR)
    FixedVoltRef = ReadAD10 (FVR)

    In this way a constantly changing battery supply voltage (which is the actual Vdd reference for the a-d inputs) can be monitored, and an analogue input be given the proper context. From the earlier example a battery voltage is monitored. Once that is established then the adc inputs can be properly calculated.

    '2.048(V)/BatVolt = AD-FVR/255
    'BatVolt = ((205(V) * 255)/FixedVoltRef(count)) + 26(V) (diode drop)  'promote by 100
      FixedVoltRef = AD12F1822(FVR)
      BatVolt = (52275/FixedVoltRef) + 30   '26

    Or, I haven't had my morning cup of coffee yet, and I failed to see the logic already in the library?

    EDIT: Having a coffee now, so Beg your pardon, using the FVR as the a-d reference is correct. But the FVR as an a-d input is a thing too, sorry for the (my) confusion :)


    Last edit: kent_twt4 2017-07-10
  • Daniel Cioba

    Daniel Cioba - 2017-07-10

    I tried again but is not working yet . Same as before , I can't change Vref .
    Also , if i use#define ADSpeed HighSpeed the reading is "0" . Medium and low give normal readings , not sure if the ADC speed is actually changing .

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2017-07-10

    Please attach a zip with your source and your asm files

  • Daniel Cioba

    Daniel Cioba - 2017-07-10

    OK , here is the very basic code i'm using for testing

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2017-07-10

    I cannot see any obvious - I can improve the code with your type of chip to use one byte less. I will do that once we have it working.

    Can I just check a few things? Does ADC work normally? Remove all the optmisations - All ok? And, does the #define ADSpeed HighSpeed always give 0 but the others give a normal full range of 0 to 1023?

  • Daniel Cioba

    Daniel Cioba - 2017-07-10

    I checked again , ADC work normally , the PIC16F1828 is new ( i have many ) .
    With Normal ( I asume this is anyway the default value used in library ) and Low is full range 0 - 4V , with High is allways 0.
    This issue was present from the start , with the original library , but i didn't mentioned it before .

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2017-07-10

    Still trying to figure out the root cause.

    Try this please. I have removed the optimisations. You do not need to define LAT for LCD. This is now handled correctly. But, if I broke the LCD please fix to complete the test.

    #chip 16F1828 , 32
    #config osc=int , pllen=on
    dim citire as word
    #define ADSpeed lowSpeed
    #define lcd_io 4
    #define lcd_no_rw
    #define lcd_enable portc.7
    #define lcd_db4 portc.6
    #define lcd_db5 portc.3
    #define lcd_db6 portc.4
    #define lcd_db7 portc.5
    #define lcd_rs portc.2
    #define lcd_enable portc.7
    ADFVR_Initialize ( ADFVR_1x )
    citire = readad10 (AN1)
    locate 1,10
    print citire
    print "   "
  • Daniel Cioba

    Daniel Cioba - 2017-07-10

    It is the same with no optimisation ... only 4V Vref and "0" reading with HighSpeed .

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2017-07-10

      I need to understand more. Can you draw me a diagram of the connectivity?

  • Daniel Cioba

    Daniel Cioba - 2017-07-10

    Ok , the schematic is here ... of course for testing the circuit is simplified , I have one input as IN1 and I can jump over the resistive divider if I want ... not the circuit is the issue . If an ADC input is fixed at 1V , lets say ( aprox 0,8V in my case ) , if you change the refference at 1V will read aprox 1023 , with 2V 512 and with 4V aprox 250 . Very easy to see if refference is changing or not . So I got 175 all the time I change ADFVR_Initialize ... and 0 if i use ADSpeed High
    I worked with ADC in many projects , but with Atmega microcontrollers in Bascom , thats why I prefer something similar with PICs ( BASIC instructions ).


    Last edit: Daniel Cioba 2017-07-10
    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2017-07-11

      Still nothing jumping out at me.

      1. I have just requested the same microcontroller from Microchip
      2. Meanwhile. can anyone spot the error I have made? :-)

      Should only take a day or two but vacation period is looming.

  • Daniel Cioba

    Daniel Cioba - 2017-07-11

    I will try to look at your code , but i'm not very familiar with it , also i got PIC16F1936 , 1938 with the same reference register , I will check if with this microcontroller works .

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2017-07-11

      What a good idea. I like the approach. Good to hear to the results.

      I am away from real silicon at the moment - I am travelling.

  • David Stephenson

    We've had some problems with this before. Hidden away in the datasheet it is stated that the + voltage reference for the ADC cannot be less than 1.8V so the 1.024V ref will not work on the ADC.

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