
'Wait' icon missing 10ms unit

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Great Cow Graphical BASIC Version 0.9 14/2/2010

    According to the Help file, "The 10us and 10ms units exist as a work around for the 255 limit on variables."  However, the 10 ms unit is missing from the icon pull down menu.

  • Hugh Considine

    Hugh Considine - 2010-07-04

    Sorry, misleading help file! At one stage, variables could only store up to 255, and so the 10us and 10ms units were needed for some delay lengths. However, the limit is now 65535 for the us and ms delays, so the 10us and 10ms units aren't really needed.

    The 10us delays are still available because on slower chips they are the smallest delay that can be compiled accurately. However, there is no need for the 10ms delays any more, so the 10ms units have been removed from GCGB. If you need a delay of 500 ms, you can now write "Wait 500 ms", not "Wait 50 10ms". (The compiler can still handle 10ms delays though.)

    I will update the help file on this, thanks for pointing out the problem!


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