
Application error

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hello Guys,

    I am getting Application error when i run GCGB, It says "The application failed to initialize properly (0x0000135). Click OK to terminate the application" when i click ok nothing happens.


  • Bill Ashlock

    Bill Ashlock - 2011-02-02

    I am getting the same application error as above (0xc0000135) after loading GCGB but only on my computer running  Windows XP. My computer running Vista runs fine using the same GCGB download.

  • Hugh Considine

    Hugh Considine - 2011-02-03

    That error means that you need to install the Microsoft .NET Framework. GCGB requires .NET 1.1 or higher - I generally suggest 2.0 since it requires the least updates and is the minimum required for Microchip's PICkit 2 programs. You can download this from

    Windows Vista doesn't have any problems because it already includes version 3.0 of the .NET Framework.

  • Bill Ashlock

    Bill Ashlock - 2011-02-03

    To w_cholmondeley, RE: Application Error

    That .NET download did the trick! I think this may solve some other file downloading problems I have encountered with this computer in the past.

    Thank you



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