robishaw - 2006-04-29

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The SDFITS files for full-Stokes, multi-IF observations are
absolutely gigantic. It really would be helpful to
everybody, user and observatory, if folks compressed their
SDFITS files. MRDFITS() will read FITS files that have been
compressed with extensions .gz and .Z. It would seem that
the only files that need changing would be in the guide
layer, but I could be way off in this estimation... : cmd = cmd + '*.fits{,.gz,.Z}'
filename = dialog_pickfile(filter='*.fits;*.fits.gz;*.fits.Z'...

It looks like might have some hoops
to jump through.

MRDFITS() takes care of the decompression. I think this
ought to be considered, especially if these are the only
changes that would be necessary to make this happen.
