
Version 1.1.1 is now available.

GBTIDL Patch Notes, Version 1.1.1

* GBTIDL Patch Notes, Version 1.1.1
o Introduction
o New Features
o Bug Fixes


We would like to announce a patch to GBTIDL version 1.1, which is GBTIDL version 1.1.1.

The starting point for GBTIDL documentation, bug reporting and tracking, and discussion is here:

GBTIDL is an interactive package for reduction and analysis of spectral line data taken with the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope. The package consists of a set of straightforward yet flexible calibration, averaging, and analysis procedures (the "GUIDE layer") modeled after the UniPOPS and CLASS data reduction philosophies, a customized plotter with many built-in visualization features, and Data I/O and toolbox functionality that can be used for more advanced tasks. The entire package is written in IDL.

GBTIDL version 1.1.1 is a patch of GBTIDL version 1.1. This patched version contains numerous new features and bug fixes, as described in these release notes.

Using the gbtidl command in Green Bank or Charlottsville will automatically bring up this patched version of GBTIDL. If you are using a local installation, you will need to download and install this latest version at the Source Forge site.

New Features

* Changes to the plotter to better manage the drawable surface as the plotter size is changed and when the plot is rendered on a postscript device.
* Index File only writes out the first 100,000 rows of an SDFITS file, and issues a warning. This size limitation will be removed in the next major release of GBTIDL. The next major release has not yet been defined.
* Access to the documentation for files in the contrib directory added.
* Usage command handles boolean output keywords now.
* New Examples page complete with test data sets.

Bug Fixes

* Several minor documentation issues have been fixed.
* The use of pre-existing indexes when using the dirin command to create a new index has been fixed.
* ave command now uses the 'noclear' keyword properly.
* awv command has been made more robust to bad data.
* The SDFITS filler correctly computes the center frequency (which is passed on to GBTIDL) for the Spectrometer.

Posted by Paul Marganian 2005-08-16

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