
gBootRoot / News: Recent posts

Gbootroot receives SoftLandMark Editor's Pick

On February 11th, 2002, SoftLandMark selected gbootroot 1.3.4 as Sofware of this Week, and Editor's pick at .

Posted by Jonathan Rosenbaum 2002-02-13

bOOtrOOt milestone coincides with first ever MORLUG meeting.

gbOOtrOOt milestone release 1.3.1 coincides with the first ever MORLUG meeting in my hometown. What makes 1.3.1 special is that it has completely automated normal (non-root) user root filesystem creation capability, offering any filesystem type desired via an automated Linux virtual machine. Presently, ext2, reiserfs, cramfs, romfs, and minix are offered, but others will be implemented pending user's requests. Moreover, the staging behavior and the UML box have been improved. The UML box offers a mconsole interface. This program has become a great teaching tool for LUGS, and a serious distribution creation tool for professionals.

Posted by Jonathan Rosenbaum 2001-12-25

Released bOOtrOOt with user-mode-linux and yard.

The newest version of gBootRoot is now available with a revamped advanced boot section, a brand new advanced root section which includes a user-mode-linux test bed and a Yard method to create root filesystems. There is a verbosity box to show the user what is happening, and the Yard Box is full-featured with developmental staging control.

An add-on, make-debian-x11 is now available. This was the same script used to make the most recent root_fs_debian_x11 found on this site. The script makes a user-mode-linux ready Debian root_fs out of existing information found on a person's installation.

Posted by Jonathan Rosenbaum 2001-10-10

Recursive distribution creation with gBootRoot.

I've been having so much fun creating root filesystems with gBootRoot that I haven't had time to package the program for public consumption. Instead, I've released one of those creations with gBootRoot included. Boot it up with a user-mode-linux kernel, and you have all the tools you need to create your own creation from this creation .. talk about recursion!

Posted by Jonathan Rosenbaum 2001-08-31