
#1 Integrate portal with Tomcat shutdown

General (4)

When the Tomcat instance is shut down, the web
applications are not notified. Any in-flight tasks are
aborted without a chance to clean up or terminate

A terminate() method should be added to the
Configuration class to allow it to close all resources
in an orderly fashion.

This method should be called as part of the shut down
of each of the web applications.

The JSPs should behave gracefully if they are invoked
during the shutdown period (unless Tomcat and/or the
connector makes this impossible).

The terminate() method should in particular terminate
all active Indexer instances (Indexer.terminate()) and
all active ConnectionPools
(ConnectionPool.terminateAll()). Indexers must be
terminated before ConnectionPools.

Also verify what Tomcat will do if "tomcat4 stop" is
invoked while user requests are still being processed
via JSPs. Does it wait indefinitely or time out after
a fixed period or abort immediately. Ensure that
behaviour is (as far as possible) appropriate.
