
#2 Add callml to check if new vision data is available

icfirmware (10)
Anne Wright

From mail from Randy Sargent, Jul 25, 2005 6:47 PM:
But maybe you have a feedback loop which needs to run
more quickly than
the vision. In this case it might be nice for blob
assembly to happen
in the background and you poll to see if it's ready,
continuiung to use
old data until the new is available, rather than
waiting some possibly
long period of time for new data to become available.

So maybe a "track_ready_for_update()" function could be
defined, which
returns 1 when there's new data, in which case you call
and it would return immediately with new data. What do
you think of this?

From mail from Anne Wright, Jul 26, 2005 3:14 PM:
That's a good idea. It would allow users to explicitly
call a new external API to check, then only call
track_update() when
they know fresh data is available for it. It would
also allow adding
logic to the IC library function for track_update to
use that same
check and call defer until there is new data before
calling the
current callml routine to do the blob assembly. In my
opinion that is
the best solution, and should be included next time we
make changes to
the firmware (ok vision API committee, start thinking
what the new
check API should be called and what its semantics
should be!).


  • Anne Wright

    Anne Wright - 2005-08-15
    • assigned_to: kmachulis --> arwright
  • Anne Wright

    Anne Wright - 2005-08-15

    Logged In: YES


  • Anne Wright

    Anne Wright - 2005-10-22

    Logged In: YES

    Talked to Dave, new plan is:

    int track_is_new_data_available();

    Also, change behavior of track_update so it always returns
    right away. TODO: Document this change!


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