
Bugs  Maximize  Restore

The Bug Tracker for GaussSum here at
is in read-only mode. It presents the state of
GaussSum Bug tickets in Oct 2018. Tickets are now
managed at

Go there to submit new tickets, comment on
existing tickets, or follow ongoing efforts
to service the tickets.

Showing 3 results of 3

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated
8 raman activity to intensity bug v1.0_(example) open 2017-08-22 2017-08-22  
7 molecules with more than 500 vibrational modes. v1.0_(example) open Noel O'Boyle 2015-05-14 2015-05-14  
3 GaussSum using GAMESS output for MO energy level plotting v1.0_(example) open 2009-06-12 2012-11-12  
  • Ticket Number
  • Summary
  • Milestone
  • Status
  • Owner
  • Creator
  • Created
  • Updated
  • Labels
(applies to this page only)