
GaussSoft Development Kit / News: Recent posts

Javadoc Updated


Take a look at the Javadoc at

At least you can see what's in the GSDK and whether it's worth using.


Posted by Allan Crooks 2000-11-13

GSDK 1.1 Released (properly)


The jar files that were previously up here weren't jar'd correctly, all files were in subdirectories when they shouldn't have been. It only really would've been noticable if you tried to use the library whilst in the jar file...

Anyway, it's been reuploaded, so go download those ones instead. :)


Posted by Allan Crooks 2000-11-13

GSDK 1.1 Released

There's been somewhat of a major update to the GSDK.

First of all, GSDK actually has some significantly useful classes this time. :)

The BandwidthMeasuring and BandwidthControlling streams have been added. They are probably the most useful classes in the whole GSDK. Feel free to just investigate what classes are there. The initial release of GSDK ended up with a lot of the really useful classes missing, because I was just desperate to release something, and I didn't want to release untested classes.... read more

Posted by Allan Crooks 2000-11-12

GSDK V1.0 released!


It's finally been done! The initial release of GSDK has been released. There isn't much in there at the moment, the more useful classes (such as the BandwidthMeasuring/Limiting Input/Output Streams) are still being sorted out, but another release should be soon.

Javadoc is available at

Please submit any feedback you have at all,

Posted by Allan Crooks 2000-11-07

Another Slight Delay....


It's only a simple collection of classes I'm making, and a release date keeps getting pushed further and further back. I'm afraid academic work has forced me to completely ignore the GSDK at the moment.

However, as I seem to be getting page hits (other than my own :) ), I'll now just make sure that everything is working fine and get something useful released.


Posted by Allan Crooks 2000-11-04

Slight Release Delay


To anyone who even bothers to read these, I've pushed back the release date of the first release to this coming Friday. This is mainly because I've shuffled around how the BandwidthControlledStreams work, and just want to make sure that they are working properly.

There will be more details on what is in the first release when it's actually released.


Posted by Allan Crooks 2000-10-30

Coming Soon....


The code is being currently hacked together in my spare time, but I'm aiming for a release by the end of October.

And yes, I've finally learnt my lesson from the last news message and found out that html tags aren't allowed. I guess I should've read the information preceding the entry form. :)


Posted by Allan Crooks 2000-10-26


Hello to anyone who stumbles on this page.<p>

In case you are wondering what is happening with this project, I just need to sort out a few details with the website, as well as with the code. It'll be sorted sometime soon, I promise! :)

Posted by Allan Crooks 2000-10-17