Activity for GaussianBeam

  • Fabian Peterß Fabian Peterß created ticket #5

    Wavelength maximum of 9999nm

  • Krishna Murari Krishna Murari created ticket #3

    Apple M1 chip

  • Shubha Deutschle Shubha Deutschle created ticket #2

    Waist size

  • Dan Hickstein Dan Hickstein posted a comment on ticket #4

    After finding that the compiled Mac verison of the code wouldn't work on the new operating systems (I'm using 10.13.2), I tried to compile from scratch. I got the following error after typing "qmake -spec macx-g++": Info: creating stash file /Users/danhickstein/Downloads/gaussianbeam-code-140/.qmake.stash RCC: Error in 'gui/GaussianBeam.qrc': Cannot find file '../po/GaussianBeam_fr.qm' So, in gui/GaussianBeam.qrc, I removed line 20 "<file>../po/GaussianBeam_fr.qm</file>" Then, I could use qmake -spec...

  • .micke .micke created ticket #4

    Won't open on macos 10.9