
#83 Option to disable message send via enter key


I would like to suggest a change to the WebMail
interface. This specifically pertains to the function
of the "enter" key. After typing in the To: field or
the Subject: field, it's very easy to accidentally
press the enter key, which results in your message's
being sent with no body.
This is even more relevant when Windows AutoComplete
suggests a completion for what you're starting to type
in one of those fields, and you press enter to accept
it. If you accidentally press enter twice, the message
sends. Or, if you accidentally press enter without
first pressing the down arrow to select an AutoComplete
option, the message attempts to send itself, resulting
in an invalid address error.
I think it would be an improvement to eliminate the
relationship between the enter key and the send
function. This would decrease accidental sendings but
not sacrafice much functionality, as it's easy enough
to purposefully click the send button when the time
seems right.


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