
Linux GUI Monitor for APCUPSD / News: Recent posts

GAPCMON Updated to display current wattage load!

If apcaccess output contains the values LOADPCT or NOMPOWER, gapcmon now show the real or computed wattage load of your UPS.

V0.8.6 20070928


Posted by James Scott Jr. 2007-09-29

GapcMon adds Graph Properties Page

Gapcmon release 8.3 adds a new page to the control panel: Graph Properties. This page allows the user to select the data series colors used in the monitor History Page graph.

Posted by James Scott Jr. 2006-07-04

GapcMon offers its Line Graph as a GtkWidget

The XY Line chart in GapcMon has been released as a sub-package of gapcmon; called 'glinegraph'. It contains a gtkwidget implementation and a library version. This is intended for developers who need to add a simple line graph to their application.


Posted by James Scott Jr. 2006-05-24

Release 0.8.2 of GAPCMON fixes the timestamp

The timestamp, in the graphic history page, was presented out of order with the data, and it was possible to see TIME ZERO or 1970 dates when 1 past the actual number of data points.

This release fixes both problems.

Posted by James Scott Jr. 2006-05-09

Release 0.8.0

Rewritten linegraph and data tooltip routines. Improved the reliability of line graphs by replacing the original library with native GTK+ routines. This solves any blank screen issues, sometimes present on KDE and other non-Gnome platforms.

Posted by James Scott Jr. 2006-05-08

Release 0.7.0 of GAPCMON

gapcmon has been rewritten to use the Notification Area Icons, instead of the gnome panel applet. This change facilitates this UPS monitor program to compile and operate on a wider collection of platforms. It has been reported to compile of Linux, SUN, HP, AIX, and WinXP.

Posted by James Scott Jr. 2006-04-19

Initial release of GAPCMON

gapcmon is released today and offers to monitor and display UPS power systems being controlled by the sourceforge package APCUPSD.

Its developed using Gtk2/GLib2 on Fedora Core 4; but should work if recompiled on any Gtk2 supported platform.

Posted by James Scott Jr. 2006-01-19