
Gaol: NOT Just Another Interval Library / News: Recent posts

New versions of GAOL no longer available on Sourceforge

Starting October 2016, the new versions for GAOL will no longer be available from Sourceforge. The Sourceforge Subversion repository will no longer be used either. The new main location for GAOL will
now be

Posted by Frederic Goualard 2016-10-21

GAOL 4.2.0 available

The GAOL 4.2.0 release is now available. Barring minor modifications to correct bugs if need be, it is the last release for the Version 4 line.

Version 5 is scheduled to be a major rewrite of the GAOL library to ensure better portability and reliability.

Work on Version 4.2.0 was in part funded by the Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research in the context of IFCPAR/CEFIPRA Project #4502-1.

Posted by Frederic Goualard 2015-05-27

Gaol now using SVN

Starting from now, versioning will only be performed with the Subversion repository. The CVS repository is officially phased out.

Posted by Frederic Goualard 2009-02-17

Version 3.1.1 released

This version corrects a problem in the distribution
that led to doc/gaol.tex and doc/gaol.pdf not being included.

Posted by Frederic Goualard 2008-01-22

Version 3.1.0 released

This new version offers the possibility to
preserve the rounding direction chosen by
the application using gaol.

Posted by Frederic Goualard 2007-12-11

Version 2.0.2 of gaol released

Bug fix: this version should correct the problem
under MSVC++ whereby constant interval members
of the interval class are not found upon linkage

Posted by Frederic Goualard 2006-05-12

Version 2.0.1 of gaol released

Version 2.0.1 of gaol released to correct a bug that prevented some header files to be installed. The bug affected only Linux/Unix version.

Posted by Frederic Goualard 2006-04-27

Version 2.0.0 of mathlib/gaol released

Mathlib and gaol are synchronously released for the first time. Version 2.0.0 of both packages cannot be compiled with Borland C++ Builder any longer. Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 is now supported.

Posted by Frederic Goualard 2006-03-22

Release 1.2.1 for gcc with -fvisibility

This version uses the -fvisibility option of gcc to optimize the dynamic export table. Should not be used with gcc versions that do not support the option.

Posted by Frederic Goualard 2005-06-30

ItvCalc 0.1.0 released

ItvCalc is a desktop calculator written with Qt that performs all computation using interval arithmetic

Posted by Frederic Goualard 2004-10-15

Version 0.0.5 released

This version solves a bug in pow(interval,int) for
even exponents. It also solves a problem with
using static interval constants under Windows with
Borland C++ Builder.

Posted by Frederic Goualard 2004-02-05

First alpha version released

After having been available for a long time only on the CVS server, gaol is released in alpha state for programmers to report bugs.

Posted by Frederic Goualard 2003-10-14