
Narrowing operator

  • Gustavo Gutierrez Sabogal


    I have a question concerning with the efficiency.  I am trying to implement the times narrowing function, this one takes three arguments as inputs, and returns false in case any of the intervals gets empty:

    bool narrow_times(interval x, interval y, interval z){
      z &= x * y;
      if( z.is_empty())
        return false;
      x &= div_rel(z,y,x);
         return false;
      y &= div_rel(z,x,y);
         return false;
      return true;

    My question is, what difference make the use of div_rel or the overload operator % in this case?

    Thanks a lot.

    • Frederic Goualard

      Hello Gustavo,

      Consider the constraint narrow_times(x,y,z) with
      x = [1,4], y=[-3,3], and z=[4,5].

      The result of z/y is [-oo, -4/3] \cup [4/3, +oo].

      If you perform the "relational" division without any knowledge of x, you will return [-oo,+oo], so that

      x &= z%y;

      does not narrow x.

      On the other hand,

      x = div_rel(z,y,x);

      will assign [4/3,4] to x because the intersection with the domain of x is performed internally by div_rel by considering each part of the domain computed separately.

      So, div_rel is the way to go for your purpose.



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