

  • Maarten Keijzer

    Maarten Keijzer - 2005-10-02

    Quick question: the sourceforge web page states that gaol is LGPL, while the distributions (both mathlib and gaol itself) refer only to the GPL. Can anyone shed some light on the exact licensing terms, as the difference is important.

    Haven't used it yet, but are planning to as the software looks really good.

    • Maarten Keijzer

      Maarten Keijzer - 2005-10-03

      Just to clarify myself, the COPYING file in the root of the distribution contains the GPL license, while the documentation refers to the LGPL license. As the source files refer to the COPYING file explicitly, it seems that the software is under the GPL, not the LGPL.

      This doesn't matter that much to me at this point, but just so you know that there's a bit of confusion about this.

    • Frederic Goualard

      My mistake. I will make everything consistent in the next release. The right license is LGPL.

      Best regards,



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