
Gangster Match / News: Recent posts

WebTV episode #2

I have just finished uploading the latest video to my server and updated my SourceForge page with its link to it.

Episode 2 of The Gangster Match Show looks at how to configure your game settings. Its on the projects homepage.

Posted by Chris Worfolk 2003-07-10

WebTV now on site

For those of you having problems and wondering how to use a feature of Gangster Match, fear no more.

The Gangster Match Show is a new streaming video available to watch from our project homepage. Check it out at

The stream is embedded and didn't work terribly well over my connection. I will either change it to a direct link to the video or re-exort it depending on how tests go.... read more

Posted by Chris Worfolk 2003-07-06

Homepage goes live

Our tasks for the moment on web portal-ing are complete. We have a homepage at and a default document at last.

Posted by Chris Worfolk 2003-07-06

0.04 project updates

Well 0.04 of the game is out - see the changelog for everything thats new or the notes for a quick overview.

We have also updated the projects documentation adding in an updated install and adding extra pages guide though I am not sure how much has changed and documentation on using and creating skins.

Posted by Chris Worfolk 2003-07-05

Status upgrade

Seen as the basics of the game are now playable and access to the admin works in essense I have upgraded the status to 3 - Alpha.

Eventually it should goto 4 - beta although some people say that it should be there now but there are several features that I still want to be developed so I think 3 - alpha works best.

Posted by Chris Worfolk 2003-07-04

0.03 released

Updated again! Our latest release, available in two formats as usual, features an improved admin section including a game reset option and a load of new functions.

Posted by Chris Worfolk 2003-07-04

Security hole fixed

We're saved! :)

Due to problems with the current release it was possible for users to tag on sql commands to end the end of QueryStrings. This isn't really a problem in beta testing as people aren't going to be launching hacking attempts however once the new more working versions come out it could have made the game open to attacks.

No longer is it a problem though as version 0.02 which we hope to release soon will feature a function to strip out all the tags which could be used to do damage via get variables.

Posted by Chris Worfolk 2003-07-03

Big security hole

Due to the variables on one of the pages (and possibly others too) it is possible for evil users to do serious damage to the database using sql scripted added on to the end of the querystring. This will hopefully be fixed as soon as we find away round it. Until then hope that you don't end up with script kiddies on your site ;).

I am working with a few friends at the moment trying to get round the problem and safegaurd it from happening. As I said, hopefully it will be fixed by version 0.02 which we are currently working on.... read more

Posted by Chris Worfolk 2003-07-02

Almost playable

I have just compressed the first proper release ready for uploading and adding. It is kind of playable. The basic system works though there are many features still to be developed. However users can register, sign in and earn credits.

Although we did have the gangster-match alpha release or the "what we have done so far" release as its known, this is our first big release with a history, changelog, etc.

Posted by Chris Worfolk 2003-07-02

First release

THe "work done so far" release has been made so we already have files released.

Posted by Chris Worfolk 2003-06-30