
First files released

So, today I've heared that I may come back next year, in HAVO 5 (last year, yes!). But that's not the reason I released the alpha files. I just want to hear your opinion/bugs/tips. So, hope a lot of people download this lovely forum.

I've already set it's a alpha release, some things that work:
- template engine
- session engine
- style engine
- config engine
- mainpage
- who's online
- show forum topics
- login/logout
- addthread/addpoll (not done, but look at the nice add poll option)

I don't have made an admin yet. So if you want to change templates/styles do it in the database with phpMyAdmin or something.

Well, let me hear your opinion!

Harm "ZeRoXcOoL" van Tilborg

Posted by Harm 2002-07-05

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