
GameTopics / News: Recent posts

GameTopics has restarted

Hi people,

I've finished my exams this month, and got some time now for programming. I restarted this project because needed a new forum. I rewrote almost everything. It all got a bit slower, but has much more features. So, what's done:
* Session engine
* Template engine
* Style engine
* Permission engine
* GT-code parser engine
* Forum engine

These things I still need to do, in big lines:
* User engine
* PM engine
* Topic engine... read more

Posted by Harm 2003-06-04

First files released

So, today I've heared that I may come back next year, in HAVO 5 (last year, yes!). But that's not the reason I released the alpha files. I just want to hear your opinion/bugs/tips. So, hope a lot of people download this lovely forum.

I've already set it's a alpha release, some things that work:
- template engine
- session engine
- style engine
- config engine
- mainpage
- who's online
- show forum topics
- login/logout
- addthread/addpoll (not done, but look at the nice add poll option)... read more

Posted by Harm 2002-07-05