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Dev Info (1)

03/06/2012: I learned an awful lot about wxWidgets. Tri-state checkboxes are possible (I did not know that for a while) and I managed to fill a sortable list control with preliminary MAME data. Also, I improved my MAME-to-database code. Next up is a directory scanner for the ROMs directorz and the UI for the query builder.

02/28/2012: I did some testing with wxPython and wxGlade. Looks nice and the wx stuff uses 34 MB which is smaller than GTKPython's 57 MB. Also did some tests with SQLite, the obvious choice for a database for a project like ours.

02/27/2012: After correcting a stupid mistake lxml now uses only a few MB. I am very pleased with this and it is lightning fast. Did some experimenting with the Glade GUI builder. Looks nice. I only hope the disk space cost for GTK+ will not be too high for non-linux users (almost 200 MB I think).

02/24/2012: I tried a few ways to parse the MAME XML with python. minidom is way to slow, lxml looks promising, but consumes over 500 MB of RAM. Maybe Sax...


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