
October 2005 SDK now available

Global: All GI objects are now under the namespace GI.

* New UnitTests: GICallStackUnitTest, GIReportUnitTest and GISoundUnitTest

* GIDisplay

Fix rotation center on region sprites

* GITemplateList is declared deprecated, GI::TLIST replaces it

* GICallStack

This is a new lib to help you querying the callstack at any moment. This will be used in GIMemory to give
you full report of where leaks are coming from and for GIReport to give you full information when poping up
error reports.

* GIReport

Complete rewrite of the GIReport so that it's now an interface like GI::IMEMORY.
That now decouples the GIReport from the other GI libs. All GI were impacted by this change.

Added a AddRef/DecRef mechanism so that it isn't deleted while other still use it.
(only relevant for people not using the framework, those that want just to use a few GI libs)

Resources are included in the lib, so it's no more a DLL!!!

* GIMemory

Added a AddRef/DecRef mechanism so that it isn't deleted while other still use it.
(only relevant for people not using the framework, those that want just to use a few GI libs)

Possibility to list all the allocations
virtual void Dump(IMEMORYNOTIFICATION *notification) {};

* GITList

Remplacant de GITemplateList. It's requesting an allocateur (IMemory) and a reporter (IReport)

* GINetwork

API changed slightly (Notification is now inside the parameter object sent for init).

* GIDebugMenu

Complete rewrite of the GIDebugMenu so that it's now an interface like GI::IMEMORY. (in progress)
This enables more flexibility on the design evolution.

* GIPath

No more extern, it now uses an interface for display function. Proper Create/Destroy API

* GISound

Sounds are now created via the SoundManager object. The Framework provides you with one already if you are using it.

Set3DHear becomes Set3DListener

Flag and control becomes enums instead of defines

* GIApplication

IsFullScreen and IsPseudoFullScreen disappear and are replaced by one function:

SetPseudoFullScreen & IsPseudoFullScreen disappeared as well and are done through WindowType in init function

extern bool GIFullscreen; is no more used and is replaced by

Application will have to declare this line:

Posted by Jeremy Chatelaine 2005-10-09

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