
GameChat Messenger System / News: Recent posts

GameChat v1.0

A milestone release for GameChat has been made (version 1.0) which adds some major functionality including the ability to set up and view a Server Name and a Message of the Day! GameChat currently supports 19 popular games including:

Unreal Tournament 2004
America's Army
Battlefield 2
Half-Life 2

and many more! Download now on our project page or from our website (

Posted by an_ice_cube 2006-01-01

GameChat v0.1.3

GameChat v0.1.3 has been released tonight and features some additional bug fixes with the Game Launcher system, and adds some functionality to the Game Launcher system. Download now from the GameChat project page or visit our homepage @

Posted by an_ice_cube 2005-12-30

GameChat v0.1.2

A very quick release after v0.1.1, GameChat v0.1.2 fixes a very critical bug that occured in v0.1.1 (Update Level 1) and also allows users to now launch their games straight from the application. As always, downloads are available on our project page or on our website - - happy chatting!

Posted by an_ice_cube 2005-12-18

GameChat v0.1.1 Release

GameChat Instant Messenger v0.1.1 (Update Level 1) is now ready for download. This release fixes some minor and major bugs, and adds some minor and major functionality to the system. More information is on our homepage, - check our ChangeLog for more information about the changes made to GameChat.

Posted by an_ice_cube 2005-12-16

GameChat Messenger v0.1

GameChat Messenger v0.1 is now available to the public to download. The file is approx. 3.3 MB and contains the GameChat Lobby (main GameChat client), the GameChat Dedicated Server (to host chat sessions), a copy of the license, and a ReadMe to get you started. If you experience bugs or problems while using the software, please let us know.

Posted by an_ice_cube 2005-12-11