
Sorry for the delay, here are the last infos!

Hello everybody,

I had trouble to configure my administration tool with the SourceForge server settings and it caused a lot of troubles with the login.

Now everything is fixed and the new website is on the way. The administration section is almost done and the public section will follow soon and will be done quickly.

I didn't worked directly on the project during the last two weeks. I had a lot of things to do after because the school is finished, but now, the main part of my 'social obligations' are done.

I've made a simple volumetric fog demo that looks pretty good (except a little blending glitch that won't matter when used on really big surfaces, such as nebulas). The demo will be soon available on the file release system and on the CVS.

I've also decided to change the basic game idea a little bit. I first wanted to make a 3D universe (that expands on the 3 axis). That caused some complexity troubles and I want to be able to finish something. So I decided to make a 2D universe... in 3D. I mean, a universe that will expand on 2 axis (in this case : X and Z). The player won't have to move up and down, feature that would have made the game hard to play. I want to keep a simple gameplay.

So with this change, I'll have to restart almost everything. The base is still there, but I'll start over with a new editor that will be more user friendly.

That is for the news,


Blaise Bernier

Posted by Blaise Bernier 2003-06-05

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