
Alias XBPS

For those who prefer to handle xbps by console instead of using OctoXPBS for everything related to the installation / uninstallation, search, etc, of packages as well as the system update, I have created some aliases to simplify the xbps commands, as well as the following aliases for the ls command, kitty themes, and eza.

They are:

Alias XBPS

alias install='sudo xbps-install -S'
alias remove='sudo xbps-remove -R'
alias update='sudo xbps-install -S'
alias upgrade='sudo xbps-install -Su'
alias find='xbps-query -Rs'
alias orphan='sudo xbps-remove -ov'
alias clean='sudo xbps-remove -Ov'
alias services='sudo vsv -c yes status'

Alias clear

alias cls="clear"

Alias cat

alias cat="bat"

Alias ls

alias ls='ls --color=auto --group-directories-first'
alias lsa='ls -lahCB --color=auto --group-directories-first'
alias kt='kitty +kitten themes --reload-in=all'

Alias kitty themes

alias kt='kitty +kitten themes --reload-in=all'

Alias eza

alias e='eza -lG --icons --color=always --group-directories-first'
alias ea='eza -laG --icons --color=always --group-directories-first'
alias et='eza -laGT --icons --color=always --group-directories-first'

I hope it will be you useful


Posted by gabeeOS Linux 2020-11-19 Labels: xbps octoxbps alias gabeeos void linux
  • saleem

    saleem - 2020-12-05

    Hello , nice looking Void based distro . I tried the alises above from a live session and got error for each of command not found . I guess these alises have to be added to bashrc file in live session then they might work . or may be im missing something here .

    • gabeeOS Linux

      gabeeOS Linux - 2020-12-05

      Hello, yes, it's true.
      I have not added the aliases in the .bashrc in the live session, they are only in the .zshrc once you install the distro.
      I will keep it in mind for the next versions.
      Thank you very much for testing gabeeOS and for the feedback.


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