
#78 Separate PGP signing and encryption


Presence signing and encryption should be separate
options. There should be easy way to turn any of these
on only when needed and there should be no need to enter
passpharase on every startup when using encryption or
presence signature (of course these would not be
available when passphrase is not entered).
Now if I would like (but I am not sure I will) to have
encrypted conversation with any of my buddies I have to
turn both signing and encryption on and enter the
passphrase even when no conversation is started.
The passphrase is needed only when encrypted message
comes to me or I want to sign my presence. There should
be also a way to wipe passphrase from memory just after

PGP is about security, so it should be very carefully
implemented and user should be able to have full
control on how his secret key is used.


  • Julian Missig

    Julian Missig - 2002-03-22
    • labels: 101693 -->
    • milestone: 101025 -->
  • Julian Missig

    Julian Missig - 2002-03-22

    Logged In: YES

    > Presence signing and encryption should be separate
    options. There should be easy way to turn any of these
    on only when needed


    > there should be no need to enter
    passpharase on every startup when using encryption or
    presence signature

    Um, if you enable signed presence, then the whole "The
    passphrase is needed only when encrypted message
    comes to me or I want to sign my presence." is moot because
    you send a presence when you first log into Jabber... so you
    would then need to enter your passphrase every startup, like
    we do now.


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