
Download speeds

  • Mark Gargan

    Mark Gargan - 2004-05-03

    Hey, I'm getting terrible download speeds despite the fact that my uploads are flying. up/dn ratios are about 7 ot 8. whats going on?

    I thought torrent were supposed to help avoid leeching but i can't help feel i'm getting ripped off!

    BTW the downloads have been running for 12 hours

    • Harold Feit

      Harold Feit - 2004-05-03

      Running 100% uncapped is not the best idea.

      Run with your upload capped to 80% of your line's rated upload (or 80% of the max upload speed you've seen so far) and see if that helps.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-05-04

      ive been getting the same problem and ive tried limiting my upload speeds

      i used exactly the same settings on both g3 and azureus and the difference was huge nearly 60kbs

    • Ahmed El-Khuffash

      Try setting the Choker options to Standard Bittorrent. And limiting your upload speed to 20-30 is good to begin with, just see what works best for you in terms of that.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-07-03

      i did the same as traymar and got the same prob..
      i download max on azerus but hardly nothing on g3

    • etc

      etc - 2004-07-06

      are you sure you have your prots forwarded?

    • etc

      etc - 2004-07-06

      thats pOrts up there ^^^^^


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