ip freely - 2004-12-13

When observing how G3 decides to upload to which peer, it does the oddest and fustrating thing.  I have my choker option at {Run choker every}-10secs, {Rotate optimistic...}-300secs, {Min Upload Rate}- 3.00 KB/s; and I'm also using the {Per torrent Options} in Rate Options of 34 KB/s max upload and upload to 5 peers.
In the list of peers' ip addresses being displayed at the top, four peers that gave atleast 3.00KB/s is being uploaded to but not the fifth peer on the list because meanwhile G3 jumps that last upload slot around to everyone else and NEVER gets to that fifth peer that is sharing--this happens with any max peer upload setting used.  Although this may seem trivial, but it makes a bigger difference when I'm downloading two torrents at the same time with the Per Torrent Options set to 17KB/s Max upload and 3 peers; 'cause then only the two top peers that is sharing gets uploaded to while the third doesnt and probably are 'choking' me thusly slowing my overall dl speed.