
Agent string plugins in g3torrent tweaked x

  • Feature Monger

    Feature Monger - 2004-12-03

    A great feature for  g3torrent RC1 tweaked v0.3 would be a "plugin" ability for user agent information.  So that in the unlikely event that this project gets abandoned those of us faithful users will be able to update the useragent string to the current version of azareus or similar.  :)

    Naturally there will be people who will abuse this feature and change the id to something like ""  or their dog's name, but they will usually suffer with getting themselves summarily banned by trackers which recognize them as using a non-standard client.

    Perhaps at least an option to send a NULL string.  I see sever peers broadcasting no client version information...

    • Apraxhren

      Apraxhren - 2004-12-03

      Just one quetion. When you saw the peers with no client version was that from the trackers view, or from G3's peer list. I've never seen a null peer id, some it might be a tracker error, but then again i haven't seen everything.

      It's also a good idea.

    • _

      _ - 2004-12-10

      This option would be much appreciated!


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