
SERIOUS: tweaked v0.3 not reporting UP stats

  • Deceased Horse Violence

    tweaked v0.3 is not properly reporting my upload stats to various trackers.  On one tracker I have uploaded 307 megs but the tracker reports I've only uploaded 127 megs.  None of these actoins convinc the tracker otherwise: polling, pausing, stopping and restarting seeding.


    No, I'm not interested in "fake stats".  I merely want 100% credit for my uploading.

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2004-12-05


      OK.  Here are some things you could check before I start looking for a bug.  First check to make sure that the tracker has the right IP address for your machine... it could be that your IP address has changed since you logged onto the tracker last.  Check it with either network properties or 'ipconfig /all' from the command line.   This would be a reason for the tracker not responding to the polling/stopping starting etc.

      If the ip addresses match then it could possibly be down to a delay in the stats being updated by the tracker etc.  Though if you say it is the same with other trackers this might not be the case.

      If all else fails can you post the URLs of the trackers you are having problems with so I can have a play and see if my stats work OK.



    • etc

      etc - 2004-12-08

      you just have to pause your upload for a second - then the data on the tracker should get updated
      if you close g3 or drop your connection the data on the tracker is not updated


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