
I love g3 Torrent 0.95!

  • Jeremy Arendt

    Jeremy Arendt - 2004-02-27

    Anyone else =)

    I actually am super happy with how the progress bars turned out so far. This is a feature I had wanted from day 1, but it took a while to get comfortable enough with the wxWindows API to wrestle this kind of feature out of it.

    I'm still taking a bigger CPU usage hit that I would like when the progress bars on. But I'll work on optimizing it.

    Keep the requests and bug reports comming in the tracker people. I want a completely stable v1.0 release as soon as possible.

    • DrToast

      DrToast - 2004-02-27

      It's coming along great. I think it's shaping up to be the best client out there. I especially love the peer upload preferences and the "change this torrents options."


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