
Few suggestions

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2004-12-09

    I have been using Azureus but now I decided to try out the g3 client.

    And here are few things that bother me:
    1. ability to rearrange the columns in the "Tab Pane", I would much like to have the progress bar right next to the peer address (ip) and down/up transfer more to the right. so it would be nice if you made possible to drag the columns left or right (some other programs do support this so it shouldn't be hard to implement)
    2. the space between the graph and the tabs in details tab could be bigger, something like between the graph and "transfer".
    3. missing help? "help" button next to the minimize button would be nice (for quick help reference) or better description in the status bar
    4. why the hell is there an empty collumn at the end of the column list in "tab pane"? and it keeps resizing itself to the default width O_o. remove this :)
    5. I noticed mislabeled country column (wrong flags for the IP). * IPs (slovenia) are labeled with the US flags. getting country flag by the domain extention is not a good idea. try using the geoip by, it's totally free and the most precise (it uses the included geoip ~700kb local database with IPs and countries)

    that would be all (for now) :)

    good luck with the project, looks promising

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-12-09

      A few more things I just found out:
      6. ability to manually enter the client spoofing string (the Azureus string is a bit old, now is Azureus
      7. web interface somehow doesn't work for me (didn't try to restart the g3 though), and when u change the port it doesn't update in the note field (the blue clickable url) until you close the window and reopen preferences
      8. missing download rate limit?
      9. make it possible to set the "upload till bytes down:up ratio" to enter a non-integer number, like: 1:1.2 (or 1:1,2)

      • chammie

        chammie - 2004-12-09

        yeah for 7 you need to restart your client inorder to get it to work some ideas are good

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-12-09

      10. the balloon hint is sorry, but ugly, uninformative and very annoying. besides it freezes the client for ~0.5 second. add possibility to disable showing the balloon hint
      11. in details there is not enough space for multiline commentaries (some ppl actually do put more than one line, it works fine in azureus), though did not test if it really works in g3 too
      12. when u open "progress dialog" and close it, you can't open it again till next program start
      13. when u restart the program, torrents don't seem to automatically start

      oh and I forgot to mention the version I am using... G3 Torrent v1.0 RC1 - (tweaked v0.3)

      • chammie

        chammie - 2004-12-09

        normal if you dont safe the torrents its gone i think. but if you use the safe torrent it always auto start my torrents when i restart client.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-12-09

      u mean save? :) I didn't click save nor no default save. I downloaded torrent from browser and used "open file" (firefox).
      I noticed the "Progress dialog" and empty column were already bad. well few more bugs:
      14. when one instance of g3 is already running and u download a torrent with browser, it won't add the torrent to the existing instance of g3, rather show message box telling me I'm already running g3. instead of just adding =)
      15. add torrent from url doesn't work. it only downloaded about 10% of the .torrent file (I waited for about a minute, should be downloaded least it was in browser)
      16. when u add the torrent it just puts it in queued state rather than starting it. this could be made as a checkbox option in preferences/options.

    • LeoXV

      LeoXV - 2004-12-10
    • LeoXV

      LeoXV - 2004-12-10

      17. peerid decoder Shareaza,  BitComet, Bitspirit, XBT, Plus, TurboBT, Burst!....

    • Campervan

      Campervan - 2004-12-11

      I would like to see an icon in G3 that would load all torrents from the default directory.. Some times I'll grab four or five torrents files from a site and I have to load them by hand, which is annoying, and then I have to put them in the order that I want to download..

    • Campervan

      Campervan - 2004-12-11

      I would also like an option that adds to the G3 option of download a torrent and move on to others in the queue. I would like g3 to download all my torrents then go back to the first one and seed to its 1:1 or whatever I set it as.. 


    • _

      _ - 2004-12-12

      An option to upload only to people who have reached a certain percentage of the total download.

      Say if they have downloaded 50% of a file, it would only upload to those people and not new downloaders. This would help people who've almost finished downloading a dying torrent and stop new ones from starting who won't finish before the TTL is up.

      The file will be reseeded eventually, but I know I'd be happy if people had given me priorty on files that were almost done, instead of wasting bandwidth on people just starting to download who won't be able to finish anyways.


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