
Whats your G3 settings?

  • Neatofx

    Neatofx - 2004-11-11

    What are you current G3 settings at? UL/DL settings global/max what ever. And your Top UL/DL speeds you have gotten with them. Trying to figure out what will be best for my 10mb/1mb line.

    • _

      _ - 2004-11-12

      I'd set your globals to max (0=unlimited) and set your on completion options to stop seeding after a ratio of 1:1 is met.

      On my crappy 1000/500 connection I usually only download 1 torrent at a time.  And per download its usually no more than 500/500, which works out since it leaves me with 500mbps for surfing while the download finishes with exactly 1:1 ratio most of the time.

    • Neatofx

      Neatofx - 2004-11-12

      How about choker settings?

    • tipsypenguin

      tipsypenguin - 2004-11-12

      I don't think it's good to set your upload to unlimited.  It will choke your upload and slow down your download speeds.  You'll need to experiment and see what speed works best for you.  I cap my upload at 20.  On a good download I can get over 200 down.

    • Russo

      Russo - 2004-11-13

      I have learned through experience that it makes very little difference what options you use - at least not as much as the peers and their individual upload speed.

      The other day, I was sitting there looking at a torrent trying its best to reach 20 KBps down and all of a sudden it shot up to over 100 KBps and it was all due to a single seed who was upping at a phenomenal 80-90 KBps by him/herself alone. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The only thing I could think was "where the heck have you been"? I tried frantically to keep him/her downloading by giving him/her upload preference, changing the chocker options, deleting other peers, etc. but for some reason, he/she kept getting choked every once in a while and would stop uploading for a 2-3 minutes and my speed would plummet to the teens. Luckily, he/she stayed with me for the duration and a file that barely made it past 40% in the first 12 hours was done in under 2 hours.

      Since then, I have decided to stop messing with the options and instead turned to praying that a seed like that would be part of the swarm. And I can tell you from my experience, prayer has an equal if not better chance of succeeding.

    • Dark-One

      Dark-One - 2004-11-14

      I know what you mean, has happened to me a few times to.


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