Wish: Having a global DOWNLOAD limit...
...to permit surfing while you're BT downloading like a dog...
For exemple, on a 60K/15K DSL line, we could configure:
G3BT Max Upload: 8 Kb/s G3BT Max Download: 40 Kb/s
the remaining bandwith is for WWW/SMTP ou other protocolez ;-)
Thanx a lot Chuck@G3TorrentRocks!.org
You know, theres a reason for the Bug and Feature Request Trackers...
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Wish: Having a global DOWNLOAD limit...
...to permit surfing while you're BT downloading like a dog...
For exemple, on a 60K/15K DSL line, we could configure:
G3BT Max Upload: 8 Kb/s
G3BT Max Download: 40 Kb/s
the remaining bandwith is for WWW/SMTP ou other protocolez ;-)
Thanx a lot
You know, theres a reason for the Bug and Feature Request Trackers...