
G3 Dead Again? Suggestion...

  • opq

    opq - 2005-07-21

    I noticed for the past couple of months G3 has died down again. I would personally love to see the project continued.

    To germz: G3 IMO would benefit greatly from having its own proper website with its own set of forums as opposed to relying on the limited features provided by SourceForge. As founder of ( I would be more than happy to design, maintain and administer a website for G3Torrent. If we could get a community going that way, I am sure even with the not-as-often updates, the project will not seem as bare.

    • mark84

      mark84 - 2005-08-26

      That sounds like a good idea. But I still think something else needs to be done. Maybe get another developer on the case so it's not just germz doing it all.

      If you get the website going maybe we could finally get some more developers working on this project. It'd be a shame to let this projet die.


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