
Suggestion for new feature

  • ytsud

    ytsud - 2004-11-03

    Can I suggest an option to undo any deleting of torrent files or corresponding data.
    I say this due to my stupidity in deleting 3Gb of data never to be seen again.

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2004-11-03

      Hey ytsud,

      Unfortunately there's no good way to implement a feature like this.  The recycle bin of most machines would not hold a file of that size and leaving it on the HDD isn't really a good option.  I could add an extra confirmation warning the user that they were about to delete the data...  Opinions/suggestions anyone?


    • radnad

      radnad - 2004-11-03

      sounds fine to me

      R a d

    • etc

      etc - 2004-11-03

      oh no - popup over popup?
      come on!
      if you put that are-you-sure popup
      promise youd put all remove options in a submenu
      instead of a popup, k?

    • FireNoodle

      FireNoodle - 2004-11-03

      if a submenu is what i think it is then it is quite easy to slip and hit the wrong thing in a submenu. I don't want to mess it and del 3gb either. maybe an are-u-sure after a submenu... maybe the are-u-sure thing could just be for data and not torrents?

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2004-11-03

      Yep I think aretecte has a good point... too many popups is not a good thing. 

      What I think I'll do is change the 'right-click on torrent' and 'file menu' so that 'Remove torrent' is a sub-menu instead of a popup (as per aretecte's previous request/bug post).  There will then be an 'Are you sure?' dialog showing the names of the files selected for deletion and a yes and no button.  I might even make the pop-up optional (put in a check-box that sets  the 'Are you sure' dialog to never show again.) 

      Does this sound like a better option?


      • ognelson

        ognelson - 2004-11-04

        I would still like to be able to set the "what to do when done with a torrent" one time and have it always do that  when I remove a torrent from the list.
        For example, I'd like to be able to tell G3 to always:
        a. do nothing to the torrent file or the data
        b. append _finished to the .torrent extension
        c. put the finished torrent files in a folder

    • ytsud

      ytsud - 2004-11-10

      Thanks for listening. The options you have suggested sound great. I would just like to emphasise that it was me being complacent and being 'absolutely' sure the correct torrent was selected and then deleting the wrong one.
      I'll put it down to experience and I definately double check now!! ;)

      Great software btw.

    • Dark-One

      Dark-One - 2004-11-16

      Just get Recover My Files, it can recover the files you deleted.


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