
Please remove the no upload option

John Blaze
  • John Blaze

    John Blaze - 2004-03-06

    Your client looks great man but please remove:
    "Always automatically stop when download completes"
    this is harmful to the BT community. I hope you understand.


    • mxx

      mxx - 2004-03-06

      also please remove "But i just wanna leech!" option.
      or at least remove it from being exposed end user..

    • John Blaze

      John Blaze - 2004-03-06

      if possible you could just use the settings ABC uses right now:
      minimum upload time: 30 min
      minimum upload speed: 3 KB/s (this is the limit in Shad0w's)
      minimum share-ratio: 50%
      and let the user choose between one of these

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-03-13

      Love what you did with the GUI.  Has a lot of features I wanted to see in AZ but couldn't get implemented.

      If you removed these item from general view, Then you would not get so much heat.   I don't want to move to your Client and have everyone in the BTC hate me for it.  Remember, the torrent is short lived as it is.  Don't help make it worse.

      Will be beta testing for a while.  Hope to see good things


      Please do not remove any features.  Please expand on existing features and squash bugs.

      Don't micromanage users.  If they want to adopt a zero-upload policy fine.  They risk being banned either by another user's client or the tracker.

      I suppose next the whinners will want you to force a minimum for Global max upload. ..... don't do that either.


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