
Error reporting idea

d0c 54v4g3
  • d0c 54v4g3

    d0c 54v4g3 - 2004-11-09

    Hi all,

    I had an idea about error reporting this morning... and giving g3 the ability to send an error report to us so that we can find and fix bugs more effectively.

    You close g3 and it has had errors - instead of just getting the box just saying you had errors, you get the option to send an error report instead (just one extra button).  You will be able to see what information from the error log is being sent and will have the option of editing it if you wish.



    • ip freely

      ip freely - 2004-11-09

      I dont know d0c... IMO other software programs that have that ability worries me (aka microsoft) because what else is being sent with the error report...

    • radnad

      radnad - 2004-11-09

      same here, is usually cancel any message as such...

      but i might be inclined to trust you... eventhough and can't find a single bug in the new version ;)


    • t00lshed

      t00lshed - 2004-11-09

      G3 is not micro$oft, so i think it's OK at least for me ;-)


      PS. one little request, is it possible to add "upload .torrent" option in Web Interface.

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2004-11-09


      yeah I can see your point - I'm not always happy sending error reports purely because I don't really know what is being reported.  Maybe having an option to show exactly what is being sent might make the user feel more comfortable.

      I guess the most important thing is to give the user the option to send the info - they can always choose not to send.


    • etc

      etc - 2004-11-09

      d0c, what exactly do you want being sent over the net
      that can not be logged to the error log?

      i think the error log is enough - if it does not capture the info you need
      then it should be fixed to do so
      but error reporting?...naaah

      99% of the torrent people would be too suspicious
      and you wont get much reprts anyway

    • Apraxhren

      Apraxhren - 2004-11-09

      I guess I'll stray from what has already been said and support this idea. I don't have any problem with sending error reports to companies,developers usually have more important things than to see whats on my hard drive. Error reporting can be a great benefit to developers, not only will some errors that people wouldn't come on the forums and post about, get reported but you can also see the frequency of the errors and determine the most important.

    • stansteez

      stansteez - 2004-11-09

      In order to improve the development of g3 and tracing the bugs, we u should give the idea of sending a feedback error report a try. If people would utilize that option they become part of the process of evolving the g3 client into a top-notch torrent-client...

      so to keep it simply....I'm down with the idea


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