
TurboTorrent vs g3torrent RC1 tweaked v0.3

  • Feature Monger

    Feature Monger - 2004-12-03

    TurboTorrent looks nearly identical to G3.  It even has the G3 text license file.  Sadly version 1.02 on *conveniently* came bundled with the win32.killav.du trojan.  But 1.04 seems trojan free.  :)

    What features does  g3torrent RC1 tweaked v0.3 have above and beyond TurboTorrent?

    • Apraxhren

      Apraxhren - 2004-12-03

      I'm not sure what all turbo torrent offers, but since .999a the last publicly release source, there have been many bug fixes, a RSS reader, improved client spoofing, configurable port web interface and some other little things i can't think of at the moment.

    • Powel

      Powel - 2004-12-04

      Read this thread regarding TurboTorrent

      PS: Ver 1.04 also contains a trojan

    • Deceased Horse Violence

      Version 1.02 of TT, hosted on Cnet, contained a TROJAN!  While technically "without any adware or spyware" it wasn't "clean".  Apparently version 1.04 is plagued with trojan issues as well. review:

      G3 does not now nor has it ever contained malicious code of any kind.  Stick with G3! 


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