
G3 Development

Neil Doody
  • Neil Doody

    Neil Doody - 2004-12-08

    Has Germz stopped developing official releases of G3 Torrent now?  I see a few unofficial tweaked versions, they all for linux?

    Last version was 0.999a is there any future plans for a version 1 ?   I do hope there is, this is my favourite client by far!

    • Apraxhren

      Apraxhren - 2004-12-08

      No, no, yes

      Germz released RC1 a few months ago, and since then doc has made several additions and many fixes. Downlaod it here:

    • Neil Doody

      Neil Doody - 2004-12-08

      Cool, its still active then :P

      Uhmmm, I think we needs a website for this project, I have had the domain pointing to for the best part of 7 months, but we need something a bit sprucey to make an image for the place.

      Who wants to do a website, ill host it ;)

    • Neil Doody

      Neil Doody - 2004-12-15

      Anyone? Make a site, I would but I got too much on my plate running a record label and having a full time job :p


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