
G3 using too much memory 300Mb-450Mb

ip freely
  • ip freely

    ip freely - 2004-12-03

    After using G3 nonstop for a few days I usually see my ram dwindled down by 300mb-->450mb and accompanied by a sluggish system overall.  Is there a memory leak in the prog?

    • Vernon W.

      Vernon W. - 2004-12-04

      Something must be wrong. This is the second time that has happened to me now where extended use of the program uses insane CPU and memory. The first time I was able to bring the system back without rebooting, but not this time.

      • ognelson

        ognelson - 2004-12-04

        I've experienced this too. Hesitated to blame G3, but more and more it does seem to be the culprit.

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2004-12-04

      I'll start checking for memory leaks.  Are you all having the same symptoms? i.e. problems with the GUI, lag with running other applications etc.  Also how often has it been running before this happens and how many torrents on average do you think you would have downloaded before this happens?



    • ip freely

      ip freely - 2004-12-04

      I'll describe my case then (thank you d0c for your efforts, i wish i could program ... : ( :

      I have over 120 torrents listed, most of them are in STOP mode because they have been completed and are waiting to be uploaded, and below that there are about 15 more in queue.  The 300mb+ bloated ram usage usually happens after 8-10 torrents are completed (i use the option of seed only if none are in queue), these files that are downloaded are sometimes big, 2gb-10gb, or just one anime episode--150mb-250mb.
      As of this moment I have completed three downloads (all small ~200mb each) and i have ~470mb of ram left for usage, and this is with all my usual background progs that I run--btw I have no spyware/adware/virus on my system-guaranteed.  After a fresh reboot, I normally have 720mb available on my system (fyi: i have "disable paging executive" in registry on, so that accounts for ~250mb of ram reserved for WinXP main drivers and such for faster system).

      I hope this is of use to you d0c.

    • Dark-One

      Dark-One - 2004-12-05

      Wow 120 Torrent listed.
      Do you by any chance get this sort of bug.

      When you got like 5+ Torrents loaded and try to load another one, G3 doesn't freezes. It's still downloading/uploading but you click MESSAGES it doesn't go. I found the only to fix this problem is why pressing CTRL+ALT and then G3 works normally.

    • ip freely

      ip freely - 2004-12-05

      When "loaded" meaning trying to open a .torrent link from the web or double-clicking the torrent file from your computer and have it load into G3?  I dont like doing that, because after the 4+ open the GUI and stats dont get refreshed.  So what i do is save all the torrents in "my documents" and open the torrents directly from within G3--that way the GUI refresh glitch doesnt start up.

    • Dark-One

      Dark-One - 2004-12-05

      I always save the torrent to my Desktop and then load it from there. But this problem only happens if I got 5+ torrents loaded and I can resolve it by pressing CTRL+ALT

    • b0b

      b0b - 2004-12-05

      Does Python have any real memory management features?

      I know that a lot of C++ clients brag about that their clients never use more than like ~25MB of RAM because they don't cache the whole download in the torrent client. The same problem is present in Java too.

    • Steve Lamb

      Steve Lamb - 2004-12-10

      No, which is one of the joys of Python; not having to worry about allocating or deallocating memory.  On the other hand it isn't caching the entire torrent in the client.  *eyes his recent 7Gb download and 23Mb resident g3torrent client*

    • LeoXV

      LeoXV - 2004-12-16
      Anywhere you have Windows running now, you can use Linux :P


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