
Tree [r2] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 src 2007-03-24 damnian [r2]
 templates 2007-03-24 damnian [r1]
 templates_c 2007-03-24 damnian [r1]
 README 2007-03-24 damnian [r2]

Read Me

PHP OpenID Server by JanRain, Inc.

This application will serve OpenID authentication requests and Simple
Registration profile data for OpenID.  For more information about
OpenID and Simple Registration, please see:

If you have any questions, concerns, patches, or bug reports, PLEASE
subscribe to our OpenID development discussion list and let us know!
You can subscribe to the list here:


This server supports:

 - The OpenID protocol with Yadis discovery
 - Simple registration OpenID extension
 - Public and admin-controlled account registration

User OpenIDs take the form


and can be cloaked with mod_rewrite as described in Installation step
(6) below.  User XRDS documents are served at


The server uses MySQL as its storage backend.  If you want to use a
different backend, please see src/auth.php and src/storage.php for the
authentication and storage backend APIs.

Installation Requirements

The PHP OpenID server requires the following:

 1. A MySQL server, version 4.x or greater.

 2. PHP MySQL support

 3. The JanRain, Inc. PHP OpenID library, version 1.1.0 or greater.

 4. The Smarty templating system, version 2.6 or later (may work with
    earlier versions; PLEASE contact us and let us know if it works on

 5. PEAR DB (to install, run "pear install db" as root)

 6. PHP GD extension with FreeType support (this is used to render
    Captcha images)


1. The 'src' directory contains the files to be served, so that
   directory needs to be symlinked into your web server's document
   root somewhere.  You can also point a virtualhost at it.  (Copying
   the 'src' directory will not work.)

2. Create a MySQL database and assign credentials to the database.

   mysql> CREATE DATABASE my_openid_server;
   mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON my_openid_server.* TO user@host
          IDENTIFIED BY "password_here";

3. Change the privileges on the templates_c/ directory so it is
   writable by the web server's account.  This is the location of
   compiled Smarty templates.

4. Edit src/config.php to configure the server.  Most default settings
   are probably ok.  The remarks describe the purpose of each setting.
   Most importantly, enter the credentials obtained in step (2) for
   the $storage_parameters setting.  If these parameters aren't
   correct, you'll get these messages when you try to access the site:

     Could not connect to authentication server.
     Could not connect to OpenID storage server.

   Also, be sure to edit the md5 password hash for the 'admin'
   administrative account so you can log in to manage accounts if you
   decide to deactivate public account registration.

Optional Steps

5. You'll probably want to customize the templates/main.tpl file to
   your site's needs.  There is some text in that template that should
   probably be replaced with something appropriate.

6. Optionally, you may set up Apache mod_rewrite rules to beautify
   your OpenID URLs.  For example, if your PHP OpenID server is
   installed at /server/ and you want your OpenIDs to look like, you can use these directives to set up
   the appropriate rewrite:

     RewriteEngine on
     RewriteRule /user/([^/]+)$ /server/?user=$1 [PT]


Q: I'm using nginx webserver and PHP/fastcgi to run OpenID server.
   When a user requests a URI like page.php/path?param=value, it
   doesn't get served by PHP.  What's going on?

A: There's a problem with PATH_INFO when using PHP and FastCGI.  The
   fix is to set this in your php.ini:

   cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1

Contact Us

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to contribute or
report bugs.  You can subscribe to our discussion list at