Activity for Geometric Theorem Proving

  • Geometric Theorem Proving Geometric Theorem Proving updated /paper.pdf

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [05394d]

    added second example run

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [6cbdce]

    slight rewording

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [19f103]

    added comma

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [644594]

    improved understanding

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [e76659]

    add to submission zip

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [eef660]

    replace include by input to get rid of page breaks

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [82782f]

    some rewording

  • Geometric Theorem Proving Geometric Theorem Proving updated /paper.pdf

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [34935f]

    added introduction and conclusion

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [a1ffd1]

    added conclusion

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [e405cf]

    roll back the change of paper and presentation targets

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [65b3f5]

    admit that the language is rather simple

  • Geometric Theorem Proving Geometric Theorem Proving updated /paper.pdf

  • Geometric Theorem Proving Geometric Theorem Proving updated /paper.pdf

  • Geometric Theorem Proving Geometric Theorem Proving updated /paper.pdf

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [f9e9f1]


  • Geometric Theorem Proving Geometric Theorem Proving updated /paper.pdf

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [2045f2]

    added abstract and sections on polynomials and output sample

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [cc164a]

    slight rewording

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [5cd886]

    add Auxiliaries.reset() also for calls with argv

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [96b5e0]

    elaborated on the program's limitations

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [062a58]

    added subsection heading

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [2ddce4]

    reordered the Condition child classes by the usual ordering

  • Geometric Theorem Proving Geometric Theorem Proving released /paper.pdf

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [0b9d68]

    fixed in-file doc

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [243f11]

    Gröbner Basis, not Gröbner Base

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [38aaac]

    process heading: antinomials

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [e93764]

    renamed the factory method

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [7bfcde]

    only some keywords yet; TODO

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [1a1d56]

    paper draft and some skeletal structures remaining

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [406484]

    started project paper

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [4117e6]

    improved syntax error behaviour

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [7e18b4]

    make antinomials from Equal the default; warn in Distinct.antinomials

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [dd4afb]

    reformatted spacing; added parallelity test

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [582086]

    removed obsolete code

  • Geometric Theorem Proving Geometric Theorem Proving updated /presentation.pdf

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [fc9c35]

    fixed Equal.antinomial; yet to-fix Distinct.antinomial for more than 2 points

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [274581]

    added citation to [WW]

  • Geometric Theorem Proving Geometric Theorem Proving updated /presentation.pdf

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [013cf7]

    reset auxiliary variable counting between statements

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [ea5f48]

    replaced ((a₁-b₁)µ-1)·((a₂-b₂)µ-1) by more than double fast logical equivalent (a₁-b₁)µ₁-(a₂-b₂)µ₂-1

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [589a14]

    scripted repeatable tests

  • Geometric Theorem Proving Geometric Theorem Proving updated /presentation.pdf

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [06c2d5]

    added initial instruction to interactive mode

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [e32951]

    observe really true but complexly false assertions

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [b84527]

    cleaned up

  • Geometric Theorem Proving Geometric Theorem Proving updated /presentation.pdf

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [f78d09]

    added debugging output heading

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [04bba5]

    accept anything for . in sentence pattern

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [e8be8b]

    then on \newline

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [8b1cf5]

    inform about used variables

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [8faba7]

    employ the Prover

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [2ba551]

    improved replies

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [75344e]

    reduce number of auxiliary variables

  • Geometric Theorem Proving Geometric Theorem Proving updated /presentation.pdf

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [3091a2]

    added initial inequality A≠B

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [8a3913]

    suggest more tests, in particular false ones

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [966afe]

    fix file flags

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [3697d5]

    display all generating polynomials: preliminary milestone or for debugging

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [ae67b0]

    added Equal, antinomials, __str__

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [ce9145]

    refactor parser to use parser output in main

  • Geometric Theorem Proving Geometric Theorem Proving updated /presentation.pdf

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [d190b2]

    removed "equal angle"; added point "equal"

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [7ac08b]

    moved Condition factory method into

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [1eb17c]

    initial parser, also accept multiple perpendiculars

  • Geometric Theorem Proving Geometric Theorem Proving updated /presentation.pdf

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [de2643]

    renamed to make space for new distinct.tex

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [3b8008]

    added new distinct.tex

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [f1c681]

    added radical ideal slide

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [d052e6]

    renamed praesentation to presentation

  • Geometric Theorem Proving Geometric Theorem Proving released /presentation.pdf

  • Geometric Theorem Proving Geometric Theorem Proving released /praesentation.pdf

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [29b21e]


  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [4035a6]

    circumscribed "collinear" by "parallel" to simplify language

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [106853]

    fixed two test assertions

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [522357]

    added and and or syntax; uppercase G

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [1a8585]

    added side on suggested test assertions

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [1fce3a]

    English: university

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [4c4959]

    permit also empty condition lists

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [8bf26e]

    improved presentation flow

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [3c484b]

    added language for geometry

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [a3ecfa]

    added example and point distinctness problem

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [845d68]

    added second problem

  • Bernhard Bodenstorfer committed [004580]

    initial stubs