
FXTransformer Designer / News: Recent posts

Project Update: PTXDesigner-1.0.1

A new release that cleans up some coding with better organization. Added dockable and free floating main menu and toolbar. Included the latest release of the FOX toolkit that supports the app.

Posted by Joe T. Penrod 2017-03-26 Labels: Newrelease

Project Update: PTXDesigner

After nearly ten years, I decided to update this project. The newest version is: PTXDesigner-1.0.0. The application is still based on the FOX toolkit, though the latest version has undergone some considerable changes that make the old code incompatible with the latest FOX (provided in the source "tarball").

The new changes: RF transformer design is no longer supported in this latest version. RF transformers are trivially easy to design with a scientific calculator, and most of the design work is empirical in nature anyway (tuning, alignment, coupling for the design nominal band width). Removing this aspect of the project makes for a cleaner user interface, and a leaner app.... read more

Posted by Joe T. Penrod 2013-03-19 Labels: linux "electronic design aid" transformers

FXTransformerDesigner-1.1.8 Released

The latest version: FXTransformerDesigner-1.1.8 includes some new code that eliminates some kludges, adds improved on-line documentation with new artwork, and generally better appearance. Added an updated configure .ac file, and placed all the system dependent "#defines" in one file: "Locations.h"

Posted by Joe T. Penrod 2004-08-11

FXTRansformer Designer-1.1.6 Released

This new release cleans up some configure file kludges; a new "Exit" command button is added to the main window. There has also been some stream-lining of the source to provide smaller executables. Also, the manner in which the app selects its web browser has been changed. The web browser paths aren't compiled into source code in this release. The web browser paths are now listed in a plain-text configuration file. This makes it quite easy for the user to edit this file to start a favorite web browser for the on-line help.

Posted by Joe T. Penrod 2004-02-07

FXTransformerDesigner Bug Fix

Corrected a source code typo that could cause the app to fail to print with some distros.

Posted by Joe T. Penrod 2003-09-20

FXTransformerDesigner-1.1.3 Release

Improves the multi-user aspects of the application. On-line web browser selection moved to runtime instead of configure time to enable the application to track the addition of new browsers. Added improvements to the configure script to reduce the number of possible false install errors. Released in "tarball" form, as well as source rpm, and Mandrake Linux binary rpm formats.

Posted by Joe T. Penrod 2003-04-28

Multi-User FXTransformerDesigner

FXTransformerDesigner-1.1.2 newly released to fix a *possible* bug in systems where more than one user has installed the app. For this case, each user will have his own core catalog stored in: ~/.xfmrdesigner. This way, multiple users won't be stepping on each other's core catalog. Other than that, FXTransformerDesigner-1.1.2 works identically to FXTransformerDesigner-1.1.1.

Posted by Joe T. Penrod 2003-04-19

FXTransformerDesigner-2 Released

FXTransformerDesigner-2 release is now out of beta. This is the first stable/production release that includes some fixes to the database manager, and adds some polish to the on-line help.

Posted by Joe T. Penrod 2003-01-28

FXTransformer Bug Fix

Rewrote the configure script to allow the app's on-line help find browsers in Slackware. Also redesigned the documentation to place *.html files and image files in seperate directories during install.

Posted by Joe T. Penrod 2003-01-19